DUMPED! 9 Reasons Why

You are DUMPED! It sounds so terrible. But in all actuality, when you do get dumped, you most likely will never hear those words from the other party. Most times you'll get sporadic responses back, given the run around, receive the cold shoulder or just completely ignored. It's not a fun situation to be in. And at any one time or another, we've all been on each side of the fence. This article seeks to give you peace of mind for being dumped. Although they don't give you a reason, any one of the below or combination of can help ease your mind in dealing with being dumped. It's not fun, it happens, but let's find out why being dumped happens.

Small Round Coffee Tables

1. Not brave enough to tell you the truth.

Small Round Coffee Tables

Let's face it. As much as people talk about being honest and wanting to be up front, for whatever reason, it just doesn't happen. I have a friend who doesn't want to hurt the girl's feelings. So, rather than fess up and admit there's nothing there, they just keep a tight lip and act like everything's fine. Come on people, we're all adults (big assumption, I know), the truth won't kill us. And while the truth may hurt at first, it's better to know than to not know. I'm a big believer in honesty and being up front with people. I mean, why are we really considering ourselves 'living' if we can't live the truth. People are more resilient than you think. Yeah, you may think they're in love with you, but people move on. Hurt is temporary. One day, they can probably laugh about the quirk that you chose as a deal breakers. I once had a guy ask if we could brush our teeth before we kissed (true story, and we never did kiss, go figure). No, we weren't eating onions or anything like that. In fact, I don't even recall eating. But, he was honest about his expectations coupled with the fact that he admittedly had issues from his parents divorce. And I walked away okay with it. If it wasn't there, then it wasn't there. Why delay the inevitable! And to this day, I can laugh about that story. I've long since moved on, having the truth and not being left with the what if, is comforting. Who wants their life to be a mystery to themselves. You chose to cross their path in dating them, out of respect, uncross their path with honesty.

2. Dating someone else

Yeah, this one is a crush to the ego. Sometimes people think they're doing you a favor by not telling you. In all honesty, it's best to finish something off before you start another. And so letting someone off gently before you pursue another person is good practice. When being dumped involves another person in the picture, a person usually gets a sense that they've been chosen over. But not being told outright makes it even more nerve wrecking because you don't know who that person is. Nor do you know for sure if that's the reason for being dumped. And even still you don't know when this other 'thing' started. Your ego takes a major hit if you feel this could possibly be a reason. Who likes to be chosen over? I don't think anyone can say that they feel good about that. Neither do you know if you did something that was a catalyst in being dumped. Knowing what you did to lead to being dumped helps you live and learn. Every relationship should leave you with lessons learned, confusion hopefully not being one of them. It's kind of like getting a comment card back, who doesn't want to improve customer service! Self-improvement and growth is always a good thing, but being left in the dark, isn't.

3. Don't want to be confrontational

But why does it have to be confrontational, you might ask? Well, it doesn't have to be, but for some people, any type of confrontation is too much. What one person views as confrontation may not necessarily be seen like that by another. We all grow up and develop certain habits and styles of conflict resolution, some healthy, some not. Some people choose to deal with conflict head on, others avoid it at all costs. Then there are those that are somewhere in the middle. You can't change anyone's conflict style. Once you're in a relationship or married, you learn to adapt to each other's. But in dating, and especially where it's early in the relationship where you're getting dumped, getting someone to change it is difficult, to say the least. Some people might think it's not worth the time and effort to get into the trenches with you about why the end is drawing near. It may be a lot more stress and headache than they care to deal with. There are others still who will go round and round with someone trying to convince the other party otherwise of their decision to end things. If someone's dumping you, they've made up their mind and confronting would give them the possibility change their mind.

4. Too angry to bother

Yeah, this happens. We all piss people off, whether intentional or not. And if you're angry enough you'll want nothing to do with another person, dating or not. I mean, even if families or friendships of years will suffer a falling out. It's a bummer, but it happens. Unfortunately, we can't always please someone else and sometimes we run into people who get tipped off easily. This one is a hairy one as you wouldn't want to really have a discussion about this one with an angry person anyways. No one that's angry is ever rational to deal with. Anger clouds our thinking and keeps us from really doing rational thinking. Hence, if you're angry the knee jerk reaction is to just drop it. The situation may only further stir the pot should a confrontation occur. And we all know we say some hurtful things when we're angry, so why subject anyone else or yourself to more heartache than needed. And don't think that the more you apologize or try to make it up, the better you'll make it. Your efforts will get ignored and fall on deaf ears. These people are usually way beyond that to let their guard down. If they had just cause to be angry at you and you're at fault, it'd be wise to learn not to repeat that behavior. I once had a guy who called my niece a name and that drew the line for me. Bottom line, don't mess with an angry person and if needed, change your behavior if you're the cause for angering a lot of people.

5. Don't care

Sadly, some people just don't care about other people. Some of these people just don't even care for themselves, much less another human being. Respect and concern don't fall too high on their priority list. As easy as it is to dump you, is how easy it is for them just to move on to the next person, which most likely will be someone they don't care about either. You didn't serve a need for them in their lives, so they dump you. They might as well yell out 'NEXT' as they're walking away cause that's about how cold this is. Maybe you saw this in them, maybe you didn't. But, you can't make anyone care about a damn thing if they just don't. And you surely can't convince them to care about you. It's not even worth an ounce of brain power to figure out why they are this way. It just happens, someone or something in their life taught them to put up a wall to keep from caring. And if they don't care, neither should you. You obviously weren't anyone special in their book, so do yourself a favor. Stop beating yourself up and don't care either.

6. Habit

For some people, this is a way of life. Every dating person they meet, they just dump them. It's their lifestyle. It's worked for them so far, so why change it? They probably go through so many people that they date that dumping people just makes it easier and effortless to go from one to another. It's as though dating is a sport for them, but for these people they don't make it through 4 quarters. And sadly, some may thrive on this power trip of leaving people behind in the dust. I know when I've run into some jerks (and believe me, I've run into quite a few), it feels good to just drop them. Sadly, we can all think like this if we're pushed to our threshold. But it's not something I make a habit of. The finer point is that dumping is a thrill for some. It's always better to be the dumpee than the dumped, regardless if you want to be with that person or not. These habitual dumpers get there first before you do. Unless you know other people they've done this to, you most likely won't know their habitual at this. But, it happens. We are very well creatures of our habit. And just like any other habit, we do it without thought or care. And having a dumping habit is a habit I wouldn't recommend.

7. They think you're psycho

Yeah you, get labeled as psycho. Whether or not in your eyes you deserve that title is irrelevant, because in the other person's eyes your behavior classified you in the psycho category. How we spend our time is a big factor in how we define someone as psycho. We all have different levels of what we consider quality time. Some of us can be with our loved one, morning, noon, and night. I once had a guy that would, if he could, hold my hand from dusk til dawn. That was his level. That was not at all my level, and needless to say, things didn't work out. In my eyes he was needy, which could potentially lead up to the psycho level. That was enough reason for me to close the door on that one. He didn't even have to get to psycho level for me to end things, he just got far enough on the needy end to invoke the psycho alert. I didn't actually dump the guy (because of course, I'm discouraging dumping in this article), but my point is that what he thought was norm, was off the richter scale for needy/borderline psycho in my eyes. If you hit this mark in another person's book, for whatever reason, it can send off someone running in the other direction. This is actually a pretty good reason to run, because if in their mind they've already decided you're psycho, no amount of conversation or discussion will change their mind. Finding a psycho is scary and reasoning with one can be difficult, if not impossible. I've known people to endure texts and texts and phone calls months after they've already cut that person out of their life. And, if you're the one who's viewed to be psycho, then ask yourself what you did. There's always a little psycho in each of us. Who doesn't google the person they're dating! Or if they happen to be on a website where there's detail of them (i.e., sports site, work site, linkedin profile, etc), it's best not to mention the details to them that you find. You can really spook a person out if you ask them about their 3 kids and know all their names, before they even told you they have kids. Keep it mysterious and let them put themselves out there. Keep the private PI work you find to yourself and in the back of your mind.

8. They like to run away

Sadly, this is how people handle relationships. For whatever reason--being a child of a terrible divorce, having a bad relationship, experiencing your own divorce--you name it, there are just some people out there that will take flight. At a moment's notice, they can walk away, not look back and not feel one tad bit guilty about it. It's how they've learned to handle their relationships and endings. It is their issue and really has nothing to do with you. Granted, everybody always brings issues to the table to make or break a relationship, but the fact that they chose to run instead of close out the relationship is their way of handling it. It may not be a solution in your eyes, but to them, it is. It really is 'out of sight, out of mind' for them. If you're one of the ones they choose to run from, consider yourself lucky because you would be in for a world of pain. If they can leave that easily, just think of what will happen when the hard times come. I once had a guy who was so spoiled by his parents that he wasn't responsible enough to take anything seriously or deal with the hardships in life. His parents always bailed him out of experience with bad consequences. So when it came time to be there for me when I really needed him, he bailed. That's them, you're you, just accept that this is just behavior that people learn.

9. Lost contact/lost interest

Sometimes what seemed like a good idea and a great person to get to know fizzles away. For one person it may be obvious it's headed in that direction. For another, they may be blindsided to where the relationship was going or not going. I've had plenty of guys that I was dating or talking to that went on a long vacation for a few weeks. And without a word between us, when they came back we were no longer talking. Sometimes there's just not enough juice to keep something going. It happens, we all lose interest and the excitement fades once we really get to know the person. This will happen often, otherwise it'd be too easy to find our soul mates, it would be like just going to Wal-Mart and picking up a regular ole plastic cup when we could have a crystal glass. But we wouldn't know the difference because that's the only aisle we chose to look for cups at. We can't afford to just give our hearts away to anyone, only one will really know how to handle it. And until then, if the interest fades, then so be it. Chalk it up to a learning experience and move on. But, if you're the one who has no clue where things are headed or you do have an idea but you still want to keep talking/dating that person for whatever reason, pay attention to the clues of a fire losing its flame. You'll notice less texts, phone calls, and less dates. They won't seem as interested as they once were. Or as I've seen many times before, if you met at a club/bar not really knowing anything about each other except that there was a physical vibe and it changes quickly. You find out in the light of the day that the exciting person you met is not so interesting anymore. It happens. You just got to learn to let it go and when it's faded and gone, close the door on it. There'll always be another one to open.

The bottom line is that all in all, whatever 'relationship' you had wasn't worth the effort. It's a harsh reality. But when the effort is more than the positive results we get, it's most likely time to let go. Being dumped is a terrible feeling and people should avoid such behavior at all costs, as the old adage holds true--what goes around comes around. No one likes to be left wondering what went wrong. If anything, people deserve an explanation, so they can get closure and to learn the mistake as to possibly not repeat it. But, should you get dumped and get no explanation, take heed that it's most likely not you and could be any of the above reasons. And sometimes in life, we just don't get an answer. We just have to let go, move on with our lives and try our best to filter out people capable of that behavior. We won't always be right or sense it. But, as long as we're aware of it and strong in who we are, we'll always be able to get back up to start all over again. It isn't easy, but dating is never easy. One day you'll see all the bumps, scrapes, and bruises will be worth the pain you went through. Because you'll either grow alone as a single person or you'll do that plus grow with that special someone you find. Just always remember, if you were dumped, it just wasn't meant to be and in the long run, someone who treats you like that is not worth the mind share. Keep true to yourself and you'll do fine.

DUMPED! 9 Reasons Why
Small Round Coffee Tables

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Rug Placement

No matter which room you place a rug in, make sure that you always avoid having a corner of the rug hanging out into the middle of an entryway to another room or at the pathway's edge. This could be a hazardous tripping zone for yourself, friends, and family. It is recommended to use rugs in high traffic areas to spare the floor underneath but make sure that it's the biggest part of the rug that you have in the traffic area and not the corner.

Small Round Coffee Tables

You can create a comfortable and lovely sitting area in a large room when you set a couple of chairs and a small end table or coffee table around a round rug. The rug that you choose to define your sitting area will really end up setting the space apart from the rest of your room.

Small Round Coffee Tables

Often times it is common to have the front legs of your chairs on the rug. It is best if you do not have more than 60 centimeters of rug space that is empty behind the furniture. Whenever you arrange the rug and chairs in the sitting space it is best that people will be able to have both of their feet on the rug when sitting in the chairs.

Whenever you are trying to determine what size rug you should place in your dining room, you need to first measure the top of the table. Next add a total of twenty-four inches all the way around the table. This means make sure that there is at least six inches of rug extended from each side of the table. This will give a person space to be able to get in and out of his or her chair and be able to move closer or farther away from the table with the back legs of the chair able to remain on the rug. The other furniture in the dining room area should not be on the rug. Only the table and chairs should be on the rug in the dining area.

Whenever you place a rug in your bedroom, it doesn't need to be in a center position. However, a rug in the bedroom should have equal amount of visible floor space on two to three sides of the rug. it is a bad idea to use a room sized rug in your bedroom because a large part of the design will be hidden under your bed. Whenever a rug is stuck for a long period of time in the dark it can end up being damaged by moths.

In several different cases you can use various multiple rugs in the bedroom. You can place a rug at the foot of your bed, another on one side of the bed, and yet another one on the other side of the bed. It's actually a better idea to use multiple area rugs since they cost less and will end up complimenting your furnishings better since you can use different styles and designs on each side of the bed.

Rug Placement
Small Round Coffee Tables

Tokina 11-16Mm Lens Lavender Bed Skirts

Coaster Storage Ottoman Coffee Table with Trays, Brown Vinyl

Christmas Sales Coaster Storage Ottoman Coffee Table with Trays, Brown Vinyl 201

Dec 21, 2011 02:39:22

Christmas Coaster Storage Ottoman Coffee Table with Trays, Brown Vinyl Deals
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Coaster Storage Ottoman Coffee Table with Trays, Brown Vinyl

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for Coaster Storage Ottoman Coffee Table with Trays, Brown Vinyl <<

Christmas Sales Coaster Storage Ottoman Coffee Table with Trays, Brown Vinyl Feature

  • 42"W 17"D 16.5"H
  • Some assembly may be required. Please see product details.
  • Living Room

Christmas Sales Coaster Storage Ottoman Coffee Table with Trays, Brown Vinyl Overview

Brown Vinyl Storage Ottoman Coffee Table with Trays. Dimensions: 42"W x 17"D x 16.5"H. Finish: Dark Brown. Material: Leatherlike Vinyl. Contemporary Leatherlike Vinyl Storage Ottomans. Item features three flip top trays. Simple assembly required.

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This Christmas Coaster Storage Ottoman Coffee Table with Trays, Brown Vinyl ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

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Limited Offer Today!! Coaster Storage Ottoman Coffee Table with Trays, Brown Vinyl Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

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10 Business Challenges Every Entrepreneur Must Face When Building a Business From Scratch

Are you an entrepreneur? If you are, then I believe you will familiar with the pattern or business challenges faced when starting and building a business from scratch. If you are not an entrepreneur but you dream of becoming one someday, then I think you will find this article worthwhile.

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Why am I writing on such a topic? I decided to write on the "10 business challenges every entrepreneur must face when building a business from scratch" to give entrepreneurs a glimpse of what to expect when they set out to start a new business venture. I am not writing to show my writing skills. Moreover, I am not a professional writer; I am an entrepreneur and investor to the core. I simply write to share my knowledge on building a business with anyone who is willing to learn.

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This article is not meant to discourage or scare you from going into business. Instead, I wrote this article to prepare and highlight you on the business challenges to expect and how to handle them. Just as the popular saying goes:

"He that is prepared has half won the battle."

Below are 10 Business Challenges Every Entrepreneur Must Face When Building a Business from Scratch:

1. Developing the Vision and Idea:

This is usually the first challenge faced by every entrepreneur. Finding the right business opportunity or creatively developing an idea is certainly not an easy task. I call "Envisioning the idea" the first true task of an entrepreneur. As an entrepreneur, you must develop the ability to see what others cannot see. While others see problems, you must see opportunities.

But seeing opportunities is just the first task. The main challenge is going to be your ability to forge that opportunity into a business idea. I see this as a business challenge because the process of transforming opportunities into business plans is like trying to turn lead into gold. I call it the process of "Creating Value out Of Nothing." If you are not an entrepreneur, you might not be familiar with the process. The process of:

- Identifying a problem
- Seeing an opportunity in the problem
- Coming up with a solution
- Developing your opportunity into a business idea
- Integrating your solution into the business plan

Another way "developing the vision and idea" will be a business challenge is that an entrepreneur must sometimes assume the role of a sorcerer. Let me explain in detail. While others dwell in the past and present, an entrepreneur must envision and forecast the future. An entrepreneur must always be ahead of his time or else he might lose his relevance. He must have the ability to bring into present what is yet to be. Let me give you some practical illustrations:

In the late 70s and early 80s, while IBM saw increase in demand for their mainframe computers, Steve Jobs envisioned a personal computer in every home and Bill Gates envisioned the need for easy to use software for personal computers.

While everyone saw humans flying as an impossibility, the Wright brothers envisioned a flying machine.

Back in those days when cars were custom made and exclusively for the rich, Henry Ford envisioned affordable cars for the masses.

I believe with these few examples, my point is clear. Developing the vision and idea is the first true task of an entrepreneur.

2. Raising Capital:

After developing your idea, the next challenge you are going to face is the challenge of raising capital. As an entrepreneur, you are the only one who knows the idea to the core. You are the only one who knows the story of the future. Trying to convince investors about something that doesn't exist is definitely a challenge.

There is more to raising capital than just simply asking for money. Most investors want to invest in already established businesses with minimal risk. When building a business from scratch, raising capital will definitely be a business challenge you must face.

To overcome this challenge, you must develop the ability to sell your idea and vision to potential investors. When I say "sell your ideas", I mean improving your communication skill and your manner of presentation. In the game of raising capital, you must have a good story backed by a strong business plan. If you are interested in learning how to successfully raise capital, you can check other articles I have written.

3. Assembling a Team:

The third challenge you must face in the course of developing a business is assembling the right team. When I talk about a team, I am not talking about regular employees. I am talking about a "round table strategic business team" that will meet regularly to brainstorm on ways to grow your business.

As an entrepreneur, you are bound to have strengths and weaknesses. That is the more reason you need to assemble a strong team that will cover up for your weaknesses. A team is a necessity in your quest to build a business. Now finding a business team is just the first hurdle, transferring your passion and vision to your team is the real piece of cake.

You must strive to make sure your team sees the future you see. They must believe in your possibilities and must also be passionate about making that possibility a reality. If they can't grasp your vision, if they can't see they future with you, then they are not worthy being your team.

Your strategic business team should comprise your banker, financial advisor, accountant, attorney or legal adviser and any other specialist that will be of tremendous impact to your business. A question on your mind might be "how am I going to pay this team? My answer is I don't know. You will have to figure it out yourself or better still, you can consider bringing them on board as partners.

If you are still at loss with the thought of assembling a business team, then I will recommend you either take some time in learning how to build a business team or you can visit strategicbusinessteam.com to get some advice.

4. Finding the Right Location:

You might feel that finding a good location is a piece of cake but I bet you that finding a good location at the right price is definitely not easy. I don't have much to write on this but I feel it is worthwhile I bring it to your notice so you can prepare for it. The following are features you must consider before choosing a location. These features are subject to change with respect to the industry of your business:

- Suitable price
- Easy access to raw materials
- Good road network.
- Basic amenities and infrastructures
- Adequate Power supply
- Easy access to cheap labour
- Nearness to high traffic roads
- Moderate state and federal tax
- Favorable Government fiscal and monetary policy
- Favorable federal and state laws.
- Current economic policy and political situation.

5. Finding the Right Employees:

Most writers crank up the process of finding good employees as an easy task. They define finding an employee as simply presenting the job description and the right employee will surface. But I think it's more than that.

Those who are really business owners know how difficult it is to find a hardworking, trustworthy employee. Most employees want to work less and get paid more. Finding a good employee who will be passionate about delivering his or her services is quite difficult.

Employees are your representatives to your customers and the outside world. They are a reflection of your business culture and ethics. If an employee of yours is bad or rude to your customers, it is going to portray a bad image of your company. So you must be careful when hiring employees. Remember the golden rule of business; "Hire slow and fire fast."

6. Finding Good Customers:

The sixth business challenge you will face is the challenge of finding good customers. Note the keyword "good customers." When in the process of building a business from scratch, you will come to find out that there are good customers and bad customers.

You must really be on guard for bad customers. Good customers are really hard to find. A good customer will be loyal to your company and will be willing to forgive you if you make a mistake and apologize. A good customer will try to do the right thing that will benefit both himself and the company mutually.

A bad customer will always look for loopholes in the company's policy to exploit and make some few gains. Bad customers will always try to exploit the company's goodwill and look for ways to rip off the company. Bad customers are responsible for bad debts.

Good customers build your business and bad customers will always try to liquidate your business. Just as you fire employees, you must also be prepared to fire bad customers without hesitation. In the game of trying to find a new customer, always remember the customer that sued McDonald's to court claiming the coffee was too hot.

7. Overcoming Competition:

Competition is the next challenge you will face. Most individuals see competition as a plague but I see competition as a good challenge. I see competition as a benchmark for creativity, the main engine for innovation and quality products at great prices. Without competition, there will be no innovation and without innovation, the world will be stagnant.

I see competition as a welcomed challenge and I want you to do the same. Competition keeps us on our toes and drives us to constantly improve our products and services. But you must be warned. Competition can make your business lose its relevance in the eye of your customers so you must always be on guard. At this point, I leave you with a quote:

"If you don't have a competitive advantage, don't compete." - Robert Kiyosaki

8. Unforeseen Challenges and Expenses:

Just as a sailor prepares for unexpected storm, just as a pilot is always on the watch for unpredictable bad weather and thunderstorms, so must an entrepreneur be prepared for what ever comes. Unexpected challenges can come in the form of:

- Unexpected law suits
- Inconsistent government policy
- Not being able to make payroll
- Unpaid bills and taxes
- Unexpected resignation of staff from sensitive office
- Bad debts from customers
- Loss of market share
- Dwindling working capital
- Inadequate stock or inventory

These challenges, if not handled properly can ruin your plan to build a successful business from scratch. Another challenge you must expect is an unforeseen increase in business expenses. If not handled properly, it might result in constant negative cash flow and eventually, the business failure.

9. Keeping Up With Industrial Changes and Trends:

Change in trends is really a business challenge you must be prepared for. Trends have made and broken lot of businesses. I know a lot of profitable businesses that have been wiped out by slight industrial changes and trends. A typical example is the Dot com trend, where many industrial based businesses were wiped out by new web based dot com companies.

When the Dot com era began, business owners were left with only two options. Either they join the dot com train or they get crushed by the dot com train.

Seasoned entrepreneurs know that trend is always a friend and are always willing to swiftly adjust their business with the current trend. Keeping your eyes open to spot trends is really a challenge but the big task will be your ability to quickly use the trend to your advantage.

10. Exiting the Business:

"In the world of business and investing, your exit is more important than your entry. A good thumb of rule is this; exit before you enter." - Robert Kiyosaki

When building a business from scratch, you are going to face the business challenge of determining your exit strategy. Just as the quote above states, you have to plan your exit strategy before you even start the business. Most entrepreneurs run their business without any plans to exit and even if they have an exit strategy, they find it difficult to implement it.

Before starting a business, it is advisable to always plan your exit. There are benchmarks you can use to determine your exit from the business. Most smart entrepreneurs will use this benchmark as a target and once this specific target is reached, they exit the business. Examples of such benchmarks are:

- Annual sales
- Annual Turnover
- Asset Base
- Market Saturation
- Customer base or number of users. This is more applicable to dot com companies.

Now when it comes to exiting the business, there are three exit strategies you can apply. The exit strategies are:

Turning over the business to professional managers: When your business reaches a certain stage of maturity, you can exit by turning it over to professional managers. In this case, the business still belongs to you but you are not involved with its day to day affairs. You will have to give up administrative role to assume the role of a watchdog. When you exit in this manner, you will have more free time to look into other projects or retire.

Selling the business privately: In this case, you are exiting the business by selling it to a private investor. In the business world, it is called M&A (Mergers and Acquisitions). After the sale and transfer of assets is complete, you have nothing to do with the business again.

Taking the company public: The unique thing about this type of exit strategy is that while you are selling your business (in form of shares) to public investors, you still own and control the business.

Please before you apply any of these exit strategy, I will advise you consult with your attorney or legal adviser. But ultimately, it's up to you to decide the exit strategy you want to apply. Always remember "your exit is more important than your entry."

At this stage, I thank you for reading and taking your time to learn. Till I come your way again, remain blessed.

10 Business Challenges Every Entrepreneur Must Face When Building a Business From Scratch
Small Round Coffee Tables

Christmas Sales Coaster Storage Ottoman Coffee Table with Trays, Brown Vinyl 201

Dec 20, 2011 03:58:27

Christmas Coaster Storage Ottoman Coffee Table with Trays, Brown Vinyl Deals
Click for larger image and other views

Coaster Storage Ottoman Coffee Table with Trays, Brown Vinyl

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for Coaster Storage Ottoman Coffee Table with Trays, Brown Vinyl <<

Christmas Sales Coaster Storage Ottoman Coffee Table with Trays, Brown Vinyl Feature

  • 42"W 17"D 16.5"H
  • Some assembly may be required. Please see product details.
  • Living Room

Christmas Sales Coaster Storage Ottoman Coffee Table with Trays, Brown Vinyl Overview

Brown Vinyl Storage Ottoman Coffee Table with Trays. Dimensions: 42"W x 17"D x 16.5"H. Finish: Dark Brown. Material: Leatherlike Vinyl. Contemporary Leatherlike Vinyl Storage Ottomans. Item features three flip top trays. Simple assembly required.

SAVE NOW on Christmas Sales Offers below!

Available In Stock.

This Christmas Coaster Storage Ottoman Coffee Table with Trays, Brown Vinyl ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Coaster Storage Ottoman Coffee Table with Trays, Brown Vinyl

Limited Offer Today!! Coaster Storage Ottoman Coffee Table with Trays, Brown Vinyl Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

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How to Make and Freeze Homemade Pierogies

As a busy mother and wife, I don't always have time to cook an hour long dinner in the evenings. To solve this problem, I like to make our own freezer meals that I can thaw out, reheat or cook...and have on our dinner table in less than 30 minutes.

Small Round Coffee Tables

My family enjoys homemade potato and cheese pierogies so I like to spend an afternoon every couple of months making them and freezing them for future use. The following recipe is the one that I like to use.

Small Round Coffee Tables

Potato and Cheese Pierogies


2 lbs. Velveeta Cheese, shredded

8 ounces Sharp Cheese, shredded

5 lbs. white potatoes, peeled and boiled

4 small onions, minced

salt and pepper to taste

1 clove of garlic, minced

Fry the minced or finely chopped onions in 1 stick of butter and set aside. In a large stock pot, boil 5 lbs. of potatoes; drain water, mash the potatoes and set aside. In a large bowl, combine potatoes, Velveeta and Sharp cheeses, minced onions, salt, pepper and garlic.


4 cups all-purpose flour

1 cup shortening

1 teaspoon salt

2 eggs mixed with 1/4 cup of water

You will need to make several batches of dough but only make 1 batch at a time. I usually end up making 3-4 batches.

In a large bowl, combine the flour, shortening, salt, eggs and water until the mixture forms a stiff dough. Roll out the dough onto a floured dough board. Use a 4-5" round circle cutter or empty coffee can to cut out dough circles. Place 2 tablespoons of potato filling in the center of each dough circle. Fold the circle in half and wet edges slightly with water to pinch them close.

In a large stockpot, bring 2 quarts of salted water to a boil. Add the pierogies in a single layer and boil them until they float. Drain on paper towels and let them cool. Once cool, place on a cookie sheet and freeze for 1 hour. Remove from freezer and place in plastic freezer containers, boxes or bags. They will keep for 9-12 months in your freezer.

You will need to thaw them for 20 minutes at room temperature before frying them in a deep fryer or frying pan. This recipe will make 12-13 dozen pierogies.

How to Make and Freeze Homemade Pierogies
Small Round Coffee Tables

Christmas Sales Winsome Wood Round Coffee Table, Espresso 201

Dec 19, 2011 05:20:42

Christmas Winsome Wood Round Coffee Table, Espresso Deals
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Winsome Wood Round Coffee Table, Espresso

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for Winsome Wood Round Coffee Table, Espresso <<

Christmas Sales Winsome Wood Round Coffee Table, Espresso Feature

  • Contemporary Modern Style with function and value.
  • Great Coffee Table with Glass inset for any living room.
  • Matching End table and Tall Side Table is available.
  • Espresso Finish

Christmas Sales Winsome Wood Round Coffee Table, Espresso Overview

Elegantly design with glass top, this coffee table.Its flared leg, shelf blends well with any style of room decor.Or match with same collection round side table# 92318 & end table# 92218

SAVE NOW on Christmas Sales Offers below!

Available In Stock.

This Christmas Winsome Wood Round Coffee Table, Espresso ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Winsome Wood Round Coffee Table, Espresso

Limited Offer Today!! Winsome Wood Round Coffee Table, Espresso Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Camera Batteries Floating Shelf Brackets Rattan Console Table

How To Throw A Wine and Cheese Party

A wine and cheese party can be a great way to get together with friends or for a special bridal or wedding shower, birthday party or other celebration. It be easy to put together with a minimum of work even if you don't know much about wine or cheese! You can throw together a simple but elegant party without a lot of fuss and have an interesting theme to boot.

Small Round Coffee Tables

You can setup your room in a couple different ways which really depends on how much room you have and the shape of your room or rooms. One way is to use a long buffet table against one wall with different sections. Another is to have several "stations" around the room by using little tables each with certain wines and their complimentary cheeses. You'll want to add some other foods too as man cannot live on wine and cheese alone!

Small Round Coffee Tables


A wine and cheese party should be somewhat elegant but not too gaudy. You could have simple white tablecloths with white candles. Perhaps decorating the table with grapes and grape leaves or something seasonal such as fall leaves if the party is in the fall or holly, pine boughs and ornaments if it's at the holidays. A summer party might be cute with light floral bouquets. Fruit - especially grapes go great with wine and cheese so you could have a 3 tiered centerpiece or large antique bowl filled with grapes and other fruit on the tables too. If you choose one large table a big centerpiece would be a nice focal point, you could even use and old architectural urn filled with ice and wine bottles or a large tiered platter with various tidbits on it.

You'll want to have labels for each cheese that states the name and general flavor - you can expand on that by adding the origin and maybe some history if you feel ambitious. Each section of cheese could have it's own cutting board and cutter - A cute idea would be to use the cheese boards that are made out of flattened wine bottles to cut the cheese on.

Glasses and Plates

You'll want to make sure to use the right type of wine glass with each wine. Red wine should be poured into a round ball shaped glass and white wine is more fluted but not as narrow as a champagne flute. Keep a bunch of each type of glass out so your guests can be sure to have the right glass at all times. For dishes you could get wine themed plates or go with an eclectic mix of little antique plates. Make sure you have plenty of little plates around to encourage quests to try small samples of cheese with each wine.

What To Serve

A wine and cheese party needs more than just wine and cheese! You'll also want to provide lots of interesting breads and crackers. Maybe some caviar? And don't forget dessert - a cheesecake would be in keeping with the theme but any dessert will do! And finally, some coffee might be in order after all that wine and please make sure that no one drives after having too much wine.

Of course, you'll want to make sure you serve the right wine with the right cheese and in fact complimentary wine and cheese pairings can produce interesting and unusual tastes. Half the fun of a wine and cheese party is experimenting for yourself to see what new combinations you can come up with, but heres some tips to start you off:

Wine And Cheese Party Pairing Tips

- Wines usually go well with cheese that is from the same country or region

- An acidic cheese usually goes well with acidic wines

- Roquefort goes well with Port

- Camembert, Cheddar and Brie go well with Cabernet and Champagne

- Cream Cheese and White Zinfandel make a nice pair

- Mix muenster with Beaujolais

- Colby and Gouda go good with Reisling

- Pair provolone with Chardonnay

How To Throw A Wine and Cheese Party
Small Round Coffee Tables

Wood Stools Kitchen Portable Baby Crib

Clever Room Arrangements

How often have you sat in your living room or family room and wondered if there was anything that you can do to make it into a more exciting space? It seems to lack personality, charm, or coziness? The furniture placement is boring and just simply does not work? No one wants to be in that room.

Small Round Coffee Tables

Clever room arrangements can transform a conventional room into something new and different. It can actually shape the space and make it visually more stimulating and conducive to great conversation and warm family gatherings.

Small Round Coffee Tables

Here are some tips to make your room come alive:

1. First, find the focal point in the room. The cornerstone of every arrangement is a focal point. It may be the view, a fireplace, a wall of built-ins, or an armoire.

If there is no focal point, create one. Hang a painting on a wall or make a picturescape out of several pictures. You can use a large breakfront, etagere, or even a television set. You can create it with a beautiful area rug on the floor. The focal point in a room is essential.

2. Determine the traffic flow in the room. People cutting in front of a sofa while you are trying to chat is a no-no. Make sure that electrical cords are not in the "walkways". Keep this in mind when planning the arrangement of furniture.

3. Measure the room and then draw it out on a 1/4 inch grid. Remember to include doorways, windows, built-ins, and any other features that would interfere with arranging the furniture.

4. Make cutouts for your furniture pieces once you have measured those.

5. Play with your cutouts on the drawn floorplan until you get a pleasing arrangement. Remember that it is easier to do this first than shifting furniture around from one end of the room to the other. Keep the focal point in mind as you "play".

6. Place the furnishings so that the focal point is where your eyes should naturally and comfortably be looking. Place the larger seating pieces first as these will be the boldest and most room-shaping articles.

7. Move furniture away from walls to get away from that "waiting-room" look.

8.. Think about placing the furniture on angles if the space in your room allows it. Perhaps making a "V" in front of the fireplace would be exciting. Maybe angling the sofa on a 45 degree angle in the corner would be a great place to start your grouping. Doing so emphasizes the width of a long narrow room.

9. Remember to arrange the furniture to encourage conversation. Make sure that seats are no more than 8 feet apart. Farther than that will result in a need to shout to one another to be heard. Naturally, the seats should face one another for eye contact. Of course, if you want to be anti-social, you can place the seats back to back!

10. Add the smaller or occasional pieces to compliment the larger furniture. Include a mix of larger and smaller pieces. Remove non-essential furnishings to create space. Make sure that some of the pieces are mobile. You can also add furniture (if your room is large enough) to divide a room into activity areas. Breaking a room into two or more groupings can help make it function better.

11. Don't forget about the size and scale of pieces in your room. Lots of small scale pieces in a large room will make the furniture seem miniature and you will feel like you are in a dollhouse.

12. Every seat requires a table within comfortable reach. Coffee tables should be about 18 inches in front of the seating. End tables should be no more than 6 inches away from the arms of a seat.

13. Don't forget about lighting. Add the three types of lighting into your scheme; ambient or general lighting, task lighting (for reading and other tasks) and accent (candles, uplights, spotlights) lighting. Only the combination of all three will make the room feel and function properly.

14. Now you can decorate. Remember to keep the focus on the focal point. Accessorize in "odd" numbers as it is most pleasing to the eye. Make sure that you vary the height in the room to keep it from looking stale and to keep the eye moving. Create a triangle placement with your plants and task lights throughout the room.

15. Think about breaking the rules. Use space creatively. Maybe swapping the dining room and living room spaces makes great sense. Maybe the dining room is a better area for a cozier living room seating arrangement. Just think how cozy it would be eating by a fireplace if you made you living room into a dining room!

Remember, make this a fun project. This is not something you should fear if approached with the right attitude. Be practical, be realistic, be flexible, and most of all...you can forget about perfection, break some rules and think outside the box!

Clever Room Arrangements
Small Round Coffee Tables

Christmas Sales Winsome Wood Concord Round Coffee Table 201

Dec 17, 2011 08:20:21

Christmas Winsome Wood Concord Round Coffee Table Deals
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Winsome Wood Concord Round Coffee Table

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for Winsome Wood Concord Round Coffee Table <<

Christmas Sales Winsome Wood Concord Round Coffee Table Feature

  • Classic round coffee table offers simple, tailored elegance
  • Solid wood with Antique Walnut finish and chrome-colored pull
  • Concealed drawer and open bottom shelf for storage and display
  • Assembly required
  • Measures 30 inches in diameter by 18 inches high

Christmas Sales Winsome Wood Concord Round Coffee Table Overview

Concord Round Coffee Table with one storage shelf and drawer finish in Anitque Wanlut color. Made of Solidwood. Assembly Required

Christmas Sales Winsome Wood Concord Round Coffee Table Specifications

Clean, classic lines and a rich Antique Walnut finish make Winsome Wood's Concord round coffee table a fine addition to a formal living room or well-tailored den. The roomy 30-inch top features gently rounded edges and perches on a simple apron with a concealed storage drawer. Below, the bottom shelf makes a nice display space for magazines, oversized books, or collectibles. Crafted of solid wood with a chrome-colored pull, the table is designed to be durable and sturdy as well as handsome. It stands 18 inches high; assembly is required. --Kara Karll

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This Christmas Winsome Wood Concord Round Coffee Table ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Winsome Wood Concord Round Coffee Table

Limited Offer Today!! Winsome Wood Concord Round Coffee Table Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Trunk Coffee Tables

What Are the Most Delicious K-Cup Flavors For Keurig Coffee Makers?

When it comes to one cup coffee maker, Keurig coffee makers are leading the race with their K-cups technology. K-cups are small cups that fit right in your Keurig brewer. It contains pre-ground and pre-measured coffee so you do not have to purchase ground coffee anymore and measure them.

Small Round Coffee Tables

What makes this such a big hit in the market is the fact that it is more convenient to use. You do not have to deal with messy used grounds after every brewing cycle. Just remove the k-cup and you are good to go.

Small Round Coffee Tables

If you are planning to purchase this type of brewer and you have no idea which k-cup flavour is the best, you can always go for the favourites. Most people love the Bellaccino coffee flavour. You can choose from French vanilla and cinnamon stick so your cup of java does not only taste delicious, it also smells heavenly.

There are also some from Gloria Jeans and Coffee People. Coffee People's most famous flavours are Cowboy Black Tiger and Chai. You can also go for Starbucks, however, they are pretty expensive.

If you are a strong coffee drinker, you might not immediately like the taste of of K-cups as they do not usually produce stronger flavour. You can pick the stronger coffee flavours and then tweak your settings to stronger taste. Some go for refillable K-cups. You can fill it up to the brim with your favourite ground coffee and this will produce a stronger cup of java.

There is also a new brand launched just recently-the Emeril's K-cups produced by popular chef Emeril. If you have been living under a rock and you don't know who he is, he stars in some cooking shows in food network. His skilfully blended coffee cups are purported to be a lot stronger than the other brands in the market.

You can start with these brands if you don't know which one will suit well to your preferences. Before purchasing the 24 packs, or something of that sort, you can buy the individual cups first. They usually cost 5 cents per cup so it shouldn't be too heavy on the budget.

Many coffee aficionados really recommend using this type of coffee maker not only because of the total convenience it provides but also because of the unique taste of coffee it provides. If this appeals greatly to your preferences, go purchase this brewer and start choosing the right flavour for you.

What Are the Most Delicious K-Cup Flavors For Keurig Coffee Makers?
Small Round Coffee Tables

Christmas Sales Winsome Wood Round Table with Drawer and Shelf, Black 201

Dec 16, 2011 09:37:44

Christmas Winsome Wood Round Table with Drawer and Shelf, Black Deals
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Winsome Wood Round Table with Drawer and Shelf, Black

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for Winsome Wood Round Table with Drawer and Shelf, Black <<

Christmas Sales Winsome Wood Round Table with Drawer and Shelf, Black Feature

  • Round accent table has sleek, sophisticated look for classic or modern decors
  • Crafted of solid beechwood with rich black finish with silver drawer pull
  • Bevel-edged round top with storage drawer; bowed legs hold open shelf
  • Assembly required
  • Measures 20 inches in diameter by 27 inches high

Christmas Sales Winsome Wood Round Table with Drawer and Shelf, Black Overview

Elegantly simple, this end table.Its curved, smooth design blends well with any style of room decor.

Christmas Sales Winsome Wood Round Table with Drawer and Shelf, Black Specifications

An ode to sinuous curves, this accent table is a lovely union of form and function. The oversized round top features a graceful beveled edge and perches on a deep, circular apron rail. Fitted seamlessly into the sleek silhouette, a handy storage drawer pulls out with an understated silver knob. Below, the four legs bow inward toward the middle, where they intersect an open round shelf, then flare back out to provide sturdy, tip-free support. Crafted of solid beechwood with a rich black finish, the table offers clean and sophisticated style for both classic and modern rooms. It looks very handsome next to a sofa, bed, or favorite chair. The table measures 20 inches in diameter by 27 inches high; assembly is required. --Kara Karll

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This Christmas Winsome Wood Round Table with Drawer and Shelf, Black ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Winsome Wood Round Table with Drawer and Shelf, Black

Limited Offer Today!! Winsome Wood Round Table with Drawer and Shelf, Black Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Folding Lap Tray Height Adjustable Bed Frames

Functional Furniture: Coffee Tables With Storage

Everybody can use a little extra storage space around the house. If you home is like mine I frequently have magazines and other odds and ends scattered around my living room because I want them to be easy to get too. One good solution, to clean up the mess, and to keep things a little more orderly, is a coffee table with storage.

Small Round Coffee Tables

These tables are pieces of furniture that every house you visit may have at least one. They come in all shapes and sizes, not to mention, style as well. And that's when you may come across one or two tables with storage that really work well in your home.

Small Round Coffee Tables

Tables that allow you to store things are one of the best ideas that man has come up with. It doesn't only serve the purpose of being just a table in your living room, or sitting room; it also serves as a good storage place without creating an eyesore in your living room. Of course, these tables with storage are not really big and may only hold a few items in its storage area. But still, it can store some stuff - and you will need all the storage space you can get in your house.

Some tables have about two drawers for their storage areas, while some may have about four as the maximum number of drawers. This is because coffee tables are short by nature, since it is designed to hold the drinks, reading material or even feet of the one sitting in the sofa. So basically, it's supposed to be hollow area in between the table and the floor is the one that is converted into the storage area.

These make great places to keep your magazines, books, and other small items so they won't clutter around the house. So if you are a neat freak, it's best to have this functional furniture at home.

Functional Furniture: Coffee Tables With Storage
Small Round Coffee Tables

Nikon 55-300Mm Dx Vr Step 2 Toy Boxes White Crib Bedding

Coffee Percolators - How They Work To Make A Distinctive Cup Of Coffee

We all enjoy a good cup of coffee early in the morning but how many times do we stop and think about the technology that went into refining the machines that make a good cup of coffee? Coffee machines or automatic drip coffee makers all started out from coffee percolators. Coffee Percolators still have a following, as the distinctive taste of coffee brewed in a percolator is irresistible to true coffee connoisseurs.

Small Round Coffee Tables

How does a percolator work? The basic mechanism that is employed to make coffee in a percolator is to use boiling water to extract coffee from coarsely ground beans. A percolator consists of two chambers; one stacked on top of the other and connected to each other. One chamber at the bottom is filled with boiling water that rises through a small tube to the chamber at the top, which contains the ground coffee beans. The liquid is then strained at the top through a sieve and falls to the chamber at the bottom. During this process, the gurgling sound of water rising to the top can be heard - the typical sound of a percolator. It is when this sound stops that you know the process is complete.

Small Round Coffee Tables

There are various types of percolators that are differentiated by their heating mechanisms. The heating mechanism could be electrical (the most popular) or stovetop. Most percolators today use glass for the users to view the percolation process.

Some of the vintage designs that were used are quite interesting to explore. In the early part of the 16th century, the basic design was around the way coffee grinds react. A rounded container with a spout in the middle was one of the designs used to separate the coffee bean residue from the drink. In due course, cloth was used to sieve out the residue from the drink. The designs that followed usually employed the manual process of pouring hot water over beans. More innovations refined the designs but the basic process remains the same.

Though the process of making a shot of espresso in an espresso machine cannot be termed as 'percolation', the process deserves mention due the popularity of the drink. Espresso making has, over the years developed into a science. Accurate quantities, correct temperatures, and adequate pressures are required to make the perfect shot of espresso. In an espresso machine, water that is just a few degrees below boiling point is forced over a quantity of beans at specific pressure. Note however, that the fundamental extraction has some similarities with percolation.

Today, the percolator faces stiff competition from other brewing tools like the French press and the drip brewer. The biggest criticism against the Coffee Percolator is that without manual intervention, percolators will boil the taste out of the coffee beans. Other brewing tools like the French press are able to combat this problem by using strict temperature control. A French press is a familiar sight in coffee houses of the orient. The device consists of a glass jar with a chamber for the coffee beans in which hot water is poured. A piston is then used to force the water over the beans and extract the liquid. A drip brewer is an improvement and probably one of the most popular forms of the brewing tools that are used to make a fresh cup of coffee. So, the next time that you load coffee into your coffee machine, think about the wonderful machines that go into creating that perfect start to the day!

Coffee Percolators - How They Work To Make A Distinctive Cup Of Coffee
Small Round Coffee Tables

Christmas Sales Coaster Plant Stand Side Table, White Marble Top and Cherry Finish Wood Base 201

Dec 14, 2011 12:34:40

Christmas Coaster Plant Stand Side Table, White Marble Top and Cherry Finish Wood Base Deals
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Coaster Plant Stand Side Table, White Marble Top and Cherry Finish Wood Base

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for Coaster Plant Stand Side Table, White Marble Top and Cherry Finish Wood Base <<

Christmas Sales Coaster Plant Stand Side Table, White Marble Top and Cherry Finish Wood Base Feature

  • 12" Diameter x 27 1/2"H
  • Some assembly may be required. Please see product details.

Christmas Sales Coaster Plant Stand Side Table, White Marble Top and Cherry Finish Wood Base Overview

This is a brand new Plant Stand/Side Table in White Marble Top Design and Cherry Finish Wood Base. Item will match the class of your home decor. Item will require simple assembly. Dimensions Measure: 12" Diameter x 27 1/2"H

SAVE NOW on Christmas Sales Offers below!

Available In Stock.

This Christmas Coaster Plant Stand Side Table, White Marble Top and Cherry Finish Wood Base ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Coaster Plant Stand Side Table, White Marble Top and Cherry Finish Wood Base

Limited Offer Today!! Coaster Plant Stand Side Table, White Marble Top and Cherry Finish Wood Base Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Single Bed Headboards Unfinished Wood End Tables Southern Textiles Comforters

Coaster Plant Stand Side Table, White Marble Top and Cherry Finish Wood Base

Christmas Sales Coaster Plant Stand Side Table, White Marble Top and Cherry Finish Wood Base 201

Dec 14, 2011 12:34:28

Christmas Coaster Plant Stand Side Table, White Marble Top and Cherry Finish Wood Base Deals
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Coaster Plant Stand Side Table, White Marble Top and Cherry Finish Wood Base

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for Coaster Plant Stand Side Table, White Marble Top and Cherry Finish Wood Base <<

Christmas Sales Coaster Plant Stand Side Table, White Marble Top and Cherry Finish Wood Base Feature

  • 12" Diameter x 27 1/2"H
  • Some assembly may be required. Please see product details.

Christmas Sales Coaster Plant Stand Side Table, White Marble Top and Cherry Finish Wood Base Overview

This is a brand new Plant Stand/Side Table in White Marble Top Design and Cherry Finish Wood Base. Item will match the class of your home decor. Item will require simple assembly. Dimensions Measure: 12" Diameter x 27 1/2"H

SAVE NOW on Christmas Sales Offers below!

Available In Stock.

This Christmas Coaster Plant Stand Side Table, White Marble Top and Cherry Finish Wood Base ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Coaster Plant Stand Side Table, White Marble Top and Cherry Finish Wood Base

Limited Offer Today!! Coaster Plant Stand Side Table, White Marble Top and Cherry Finish Wood Base Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

2 Shelf Bookcase

Entry Tables Set the Tone For Home Decor

We open our homes and invite the world in through our front doors. It often provides the first impression that we give to newcomers, and it welcomes our returning friends and neighbors. But despite its important role giving the initial impression in our homes, the entry to our home is a space that usually gets walked through, but not really lived in. Or does it? Furnish this space properly, and it becomes a reliable support to the entire family.

Small Round Coffee Tables

The hardest working furniture in the foyer are the entry tables. No, they're not quite as important as the kitchen table, and they don't get the workout that the coffee table in the family room does. But these tables are the reliable places that help us keep the details of our lives in order. It's where we drop our keys when we walk in the front door--we don't need to think about where to look for the keys when we are rushing out in the morning. We leave the stamped bills and birthday cards to drop in the mailbox right inside the front door, at these trusty tables.

Small Round Coffee Tables

Our foyers probably often hold multiple entry tables-maybe one is a console that anchors a mirror (good for last glimpse before you head out to face the world). Maybe another one that acts as storage-it's got a drawer for the dry cleaning claim check, or room underneath where you can store the diaper bag when you return home or keep the dog's leash between quick jaunts around the block. But the surfaces of these tables often hold the things that document the work and accomplishments in our lives-this year's school photos, an award-winning drawing from the neighborhood art fair, or that trophy you won when you finished a 5K walk.

Entry tables come in all varieties. Perhaps you selected one that coordinates with your elegant dining room, one that holds a treasure carried back from a European adventure or a prized wedding gift. Don't overlook tables that can handle overflow storage from the dining room-stemware and wine bottles, or the box holding your grandmother's silverware. When you entertain, you can use one of your entry tables to set up a wine bar to greet your guests as they walk in the door. If you have limited space for a home office, you can forego the usual choices for entry tables and use a furniture-grade horizontal file cabinet. It looks like a bureau, but it works like storage.

If you don't have much floor space for actual furniture, you can install a shelf on the wall opposite the front door, or place a top on a pony wall in lieu of the traditional choices for entry tables. Some entry tables are designed particularly for small spaces, with just a shallow table top and a pair of front legs; you attach it to the wall like a shelf but the legs make it look like furniture.

Since entry tables stand alone in a foyer, and are not necessarily tied to a suite of furniture such as the ones you would see in a dining room or a family room, you can experiment with furniture in different styles or materials in this space. If you have a home filled with contemporary furnishings, you can easily place a family antique in the foyer. Similarly, if you have a country home filled with warm pine and painted furniture, entry tables made of wrought iron and glass might be an easy way to add variety to your furnishings.

Entry Tables Set the Tone For Home Decor
Small Round Coffee Tables

Christmas Sales Winsome Wood Concord Round Coffee Table 201

Dec 13, 2011 14:01:28

Christmas Winsome Wood Concord Round Coffee Table Deals
Click for larger image and other views

Winsome Wood Concord Round Coffee Table

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for Winsome Wood Concord Round Coffee Table <<

Christmas Sales Winsome Wood Concord Round Coffee Table Feature

  • Classic round coffee table offers simple, tailored elegance
  • Solid wood with Antique Walnut finish and chrome-colored pull
  • Concealed drawer and open bottom shelf for storage and display
  • Assembly required
  • Measures 30 inches in diameter by 18 inches high

Christmas Sales Winsome Wood Concord Round Coffee Table Overview

Concord Round Coffee Table with one storage shelf and drawer finish in Anitque Wanlut color. Made of Solidwood. Assembly Required

Christmas Sales Winsome Wood Concord Round Coffee Table Specifications

Clean, classic lines and a rich Antique Walnut finish make Winsome Wood's Concord round coffee table a fine addition to a formal living room or well-tailored den. The roomy 30-inch top features gently rounded edges and perches on a simple apron with a concealed storage drawer. Below, the bottom shelf makes a nice display space for magazines, oversized books, or collectibles. Crafted of solid wood with a chrome-colored pull, the table is designed to be durable and sturdy as well as handsome. It stands 18 inches high; assembly is required. --Kara Karll

SAVE NOW on Christmas Sales Offers below!

Available In Stock.

This Christmas Winsome Wood Concord Round Coffee Table ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Winsome Wood Concord Round Coffee Table

Limited Offer Today!! Winsome Wood Concord Round Coffee Table Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Futon Couches

How to Arrange Tables For a Social Event

How to arrange tables for a social event all depends on what type of event you are planning. Banquets, receptions, award ceremonies, and meetings will all require a little bit of a different type of table set up. There are all sorts of table arrangement options out there but here are a few ideas that should get you started setting up for the perfect social event.

Small Round Coffee Tables

o Banquets: The type of banquet you're hosting will influence your table set up. If you're hosting a more informal set up then go for moderately sized tables seating 6-8 people. This is the prefect size to seat pairs together or larger groups with common interests. You can cluster the tables in different groups to promote interaction between different guest groups. Another option is to go with long banquet tables. This is normally reserved for more formal dinners honoring the proverbial head of the table.

Small Round Coffee Tables

o Receptions: A reception will have more clustered seating like the informal banquet. For receptions though you'll want to have kid friendly options. The typical kids table though can be a bit off putting to your teen guests. A couple options are to set up a few tables for your youngest guests. Provide some coloring books and little games and toys to keep them occupied and happy. Your teenage guests probably won't want to socialize too much with the adults so give them their own table with others close to their own age.

o Awards Ceremonies: An award ceremony is going to combine the reception and banquet elements. You'll want a long table at the front of the room for the honorees. If available place this table up on a raised dais to draw attention to it. Putting round tables in the guest area presents a challenge. You'll have to cut back on the number of seats per table. You don't want guests with their backs to the honorees. So instead arrange the guests around just the half of the table facing the stage.

o Meetings: For an informal meeting why not use a large round table like King Arthur. It sounds a bit medieval. But going with a round table can help deemphasize rank. This type of arrangement will promote brainstorming among colleagues. You can hash out new product strategies and promotional ideas over lunch. For a formal meeting you'll go with a head table like at an award ceremony but instead of having round tables you'll want to arrange rectangular tables all facing towards the stage. This set up is reserved for speaking to a group instead of interaction among the guests, or in this case employees or business partners.

How to arrange tables for a social event is all about bringing focus to the right group of people. For informal gatherings you want to promote conversation between people and have a great time. For more formal and structured events you need to put the focus on the speaker or honoree. Just use the rule of thumb - rectangular for regulated circular for social.

How to Arrange Tables For a Social Event
Small Round Coffee Tables

Christmas Sales Winsome Wood End Table/Night Stand with Door and Shelf, Black 201

Dec 12, 2011 15:30:25

Christmas Winsome Wood End Table/Night Stand with Door and Shelf, Black Deals
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Winsome Wood End Table/Night Stand with Door and Shelf, Black

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for Winsome Wood End Table/Night Stand with Door and Shelf, Black <<

Christmas Sales Winsome Wood End Table/Night Stand with Door and Shelf, Black Feature

  • Shaker-style end table/night stand offers simple, sturdy elegance
  • Crafted of solid beechwood with brushed metal door pull; wood nailhead accents
  • Oversized top with open shelf and roomy storage cabinet; delicately tapered legs
  • Some assembly required; measures 19 inches wide by 15 inches deep by 25 inches high
  • Available in Black or Natural finish

Christmas Sales Winsome Wood End Table/Night Stand with Door and Shelf, Black Overview

This solid wood shaker style nightstand with drawer is perfect for any room's decor.Constructed of solid hardwoods, this natural nightstand adds a warm touch to any room.Natural finish goes great with any decor.Easy Assembly.

Christmas Sales Winsome Wood End Table/Night Stand with Door and Shelf, Black Specifications

Drawing on the simple elegance of Shaker-style furniture, this versatile end table/night stand combines economy and grace. The solid beechwood unit features an oversized top surface, an open shelf, and a roomy storage cabinet. Proving that less is sometimes more, the single door hosts a plain inset panel and a brushed metal pull as its only decorations, while the tapered legs add a delicate counterpoint. Wood nailhead accents finish the piece with a handmade look and feel. Winsome Wood offers this stand in a Black or Natural finish. It measures 19 inches wide by 15 inches deep by 25 inches high; some assembly is required. --Kara Karll

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Winsome Wood End Table/Night Stand with Door and Shelf, Black

Limited Offer Today!! Winsome Wood End Table/Night Stand with Door and Shelf, Black Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

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